Sunday, 1 February 2015

Back again

Back again...and not sure I've anything to say.  Well, lots has happened and nothing has happened.  I still have no job, no house, no husband, no kids (TV is back working though!)...I started and have nearly finished a course to become a fully fledged, fully qualified personal trainer.  Yup. I'm going to become the female equivalent of Super PT!  Well at least I'd hope so.  See I'm still a bit confused. I like it, I like training, I like helping people, motivating and inspiring them. But I'm just not sure I want to do it all day, every day.  I'm rather impatient at times, intolerant of those who are not driven and motivated to be successful. It is a fault of mine, I know that, but if I had to try to motivate people who don't really want to, then I'd probably end up injuring them.  Not the best advertisement for a personal trainer!  But I do love the buzz when it goes right, when it goes well, when the person loses the weight, runs the 5k, cycles Howth Head, feels fitter and stronger.  And boy do I love training myself!  But then I think of putting a skirt and heels on, putting on make up, going back into the corporate world (or version thereof!) and I do like it, want it, get a buzz from it.  Perhaps I am to have a dual career?  Perhaps I am not to have just one job, but oh what's this they call it??  Multiple income streams!!! 

Well doesn't that sound fancy?!?!?  I could have a 9-5 Monday through Friday job (or a 4 day a week??  Do they even do those anymore?!), a PT PT (part time personal training!) business one evening and Saturdays/two evenings and half day Saturday, throw in a bit of lecturing one evening a week, iron man training...Oh if you could also throw an additional day in the week that would be cool too!!  I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew...Did I not mention the ironman before??

Any suggestions, views, opinions, feedback on how I might make this potential new lifestyle work so that by 40 (few more years!)...please send on a postcard or post on the card below :-)

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