Monday 2 February 2015


AGH!! I'm studying!  Well actually if truth be told, I'm not studying. I have a full fridge, my morning run done, an immaculate apartment, a wash on, another in the dryer and another waiting to go on. I've decided on this evening's dinner and it's already half prepared.  How come when the words study or exam creep into my vocabulary I become Most Efficient 'Housewife' Ever (without having a house or being a wife!) or Procrastinator Extraordinaire!

I'm studying to be a PT-PT ... I think I explained that yesterday. I've two theory and two practical exams to do. I studied rather well for the first exam and got 89% (raging with those 11 I got wrong!), but as a result I'm kinda thinking I just could not be arsed putting in any more effort for the second (and universally understood to be the more difficult) second exam tomorrow.  Two of the 'less sharp tools' in the proverbial shed just passed the first exam (coincidence?!) and so I've come to the conclusjon that I should have enough to get by on exam 2 and so cannot bring myself to read another training program, training system, a table on fats or say nothing of the entire set of principles of training.  Don't get me wrong, I am a good trainer-in-training, I take my work seriously, I want to do well, but I just don't think I can bring my (dehydrated!) brain to the point where it's going to absorb anything that's going to help me answer multiple choice questions on this stuff tomorrow evening.  Besides, I have over 24 hours to panic and cram...right?!?!

A friend of mine always reminds me of a mutual friend of ours who during final year exams in university chose shopping over studying. She's a happy, successful, fulfilled woman today. I think I might take her lead on this...  I'll let you know on Wednesday if it proves a wise tactic for Nemo!

Sunday 1 February 2015

Back again

Back again...and not sure I've anything to say.  Well, lots has happened and nothing has happened.  I still have no job, no house, no husband, no kids (TV is back working though!)...I started and have nearly finished a course to become a fully fledged, fully qualified personal trainer.  Yup. I'm going to become the female equivalent of Super PT!  Well at least I'd hope so.  See I'm still a bit confused. I like it, I like training, I like helping people, motivating and inspiring them. But I'm just not sure I want to do it all day, every day.  I'm rather impatient at times, intolerant of those who are not driven and motivated to be successful. It is a fault of mine, I know that, but if I had to try to motivate people who don't really want to, then I'd probably end up injuring them.  Not the best advertisement for a personal trainer!  But I do love the buzz when it goes right, when it goes well, when the person loses the weight, runs the 5k, cycles Howth Head, feels fitter and stronger.  And boy do I love training myself!  But then I think of putting a skirt and heels on, putting on make up, going back into the corporate world (or version thereof!) and I do like it, want it, get a buzz from it.  Perhaps I am to have a dual career?  Perhaps I am not to have just one job, but oh what's this they call it??  Multiple income streams!!! 

Well doesn't that sound fancy?!?!?  I could have a 9-5 Monday through Friday job (or a 4 day a week??  Do they even do those anymore?!), a PT PT (part time personal training!) business one evening and Saturdays/two evenings and half day Saturday, throw in a bit of lecturing one evening a week, iron man training...Oh if you could also throw an additional day in the week that would be cool too!!  I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew...Did I not mention the ironman before??

Any suggestions, views, opinions, feedback on how I might make this potential new lifestyle work so that by 40 (few more years!)...please send on a postcard or post on the card below :-)