Wednesday 18 July 2012

Today was not a good day in The Tank.  I am losing the will here, the will to get up every morning, to get dressed, to leave the house, you know the one, the will to live!  We were recently served with a schedule of when we are to do certain tasks and in what way.  Now we’re all well experienced, quite well educated people in our 30s, who have been around this and other tanks a few times and know how to pick up a phone, write a letter, draft an email.  So this hot house idea (as it’s called!) made me angry-angry, red HOT angry.  In an effort to locate some of the old focused, driven, motivated Nemo, I decided I’d really try my best and spent some time trying to “get behind my portfolio, really understand the tipping points for my customers” and all that bullshit.  It lasted about 20 minutes and I gave up. I went to the loos and actually hung out there for a while, looking at myself in the mirror. Not admiring myself, no, just staring at m’self, trying to figure out who that was in the mirror, having a mental conversation with self about how I found myself there and all the twists and turns and crossroads that let me there…and was it really all that bad to spend time alone, with self, chillin’ in the ti’lets?  Eventually I left. Well I had to, someone came in.

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