Wednesday 5 September 2012

I have decided to change Normal PT's name to Super PT because he has actual super powers.  Today I weighed in at an all time low. He said "This is your lowest Nemo, the lowest I have here on record" "Oh Super PT this is the lowest this body has on record, I think I was born, weighing in around 10 stone!" I shit you not  my friends, I never, ever remembering being anything under 10 stone. And today I hit 10 stone 8.5 pounds. Not bad for a 30 something single fish who on Feb 21st weighed in at 12 stone 7 piounds, eh?!

Yesterday I bit the bullet and hit the shops for that dreaded trip. Buying work suits. VOMIT!  You may remember a few months back I mentioned Flipper had told us to brush up, step up and pay up for some professional, corporate threads. And when I am (temporarily) released from the tank I'm expected to look oh so very professional indeed and that means suits.  So with all my running, eating less shite and training with Super PT, I now look like I'm dressing up in my father's suits!!

So off I trekked into town to buy two suits that fit me and do the job in demonstrating an air of professionalism at student prices. I arrived at Marks & Spencer, dying for a pee and therefore vowing I'd be in, tried on and bought in 20 minutes max.  I raced around the not-so-varied selection of work suits, grabbed three in two sizes, 14 and 12, and ran, very quickly (the pee!) into the changing rooms

I tried the 14 jacket, swimming on me. The 12 jackets fit perfectly.  I tried the 14 skirt, zipped it up and it dutifully fell to the ground. Too big so!  I tried the 12 skirt and it was weird, I think it looked too big, it just did not look right. I turned it this way and that way, I sat it on my hips, I sat it on my waist, nope this was not going to work. Oh for God's sake now I've just gone from being between a 14 and 16 to between a 14 and 12 and now a 12 doesn't look right either.  I had now forgotten about my need to pee and thought "Ah sure, just for the laugh..."  "Em excuse me, could I get this skirt in a size 10 please?" No sniggers or smirks, no "yeah right" eyes, um OK, this is kinda weird.  She returned with the skirt and I snuck back into the changing rooms. I took the skirt off the hanger, unzipped it, stepped into it and slipped it up. What? No rrrrrrrrripppp when it got to my arse? No sweat patches when I finally zipped it up?  No panic trying to figure out how I'd get out of it? No... eh what th... This is really strange, I've never felt this I think this size 10 skirt fits me. It fits! It fits!  I got outta that skirt so fast I, I nearly peed!! I smiled cheerily at the fitting room attendant, I cooed at the snotty child in the way, I skipped over to the counter...."I'll have this size 12 jacket and size 10 skirt suit please", I beamed at the (male) cashier.

So I now own the first size 10 skirt since my 2nd year school uniform skirt when I was 13. (The fact that I continued to beat myself into it every school morning until I was 16 is something I will have to live with for the rest of my life.) OK so it's M&S and we know they're on the generous side but give me this - please.  I now hold four different sized skirts in my wardrobe, 10-16, all of which fit me, which is telling of the good old high street shops!  And Normal PT, I hereby pronounce you SUPER PT!!!!!!! You are a superhero!

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