Monday 3 September 2012

I went out with the other tankers there last week. We were all sitting around a table of food and cheap wine pretending we were a random group of friends and not actually all working in The Fish Tank, in case the meeja (media) got wind of it and we end up with really unattractive photos of fish tankers in The Tankard Post boozin' and laughin' and acting the eejit alongside "Tankers in €40,000 Bond themed party".

The table was split down the middle right by me.  On the one side we had "management" and most of their brown nosers. The other side populated by the young ones and a few of the not so young who just did not fit in the other end.  It was ironic that I was straddling two sides of the table as the 30 something professional within me could have acted with a bit of decorum, laughed pleasantly at Flipper's jokes and stop slapping people's hands when they touched the bottle of red wine that I'd placed beside me; the young 'un within me could stay down the "boisterous end" being loud, boisterous and secretly giving two fingers to "management"...and yet the Nemo within me wanted to stand up on the table, strut down to one end, glare, then down the other end, stand tall and say "See you boys tomorrow - suckerrrrrs".  Alas I did none of the above, but I did enjoy picking up the many titbits from the ridiculous conversations that were being had:

"Fishy was conceived that weekend we all went to Donegal" (Did we need to know this?)
"You've got a great poker face Nemo, I can never tell what you're thinking" (before spilling a pint of cider all over my trousers)
"So, you have your new girlfriend on a 3 month rollover" (Married fish to mid 30s fish)

I suffered with the most almighty hangover the next day. I could eat nothing and water was not settling well in the stomach. Eventually, at 10.07a.m. I vomited. I vomited in The Tank. Yes, at 30 something, I was sticking my head down the bog, trying to silently vomit (impossible FYI!) and burst as few blood vessels as possible in my eyes so as not to raise further suspicions.  The previous week I'd experienced light headedness and dizzy spells and I wasn't exactly quiet about this. I've also been rather vocal about my reduction in the consumption of alcohol...and then puke at work. Fortunately I was sufficiently drunk the previous night to banish any concerns that I was in fact withchild and about to become Nemo, a single mother. Jesus Christ! 

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