Tuesday 4 November 2014

Day 19 - Something people would be surprised to learn about me

Day 19, question 19 - What is something about you that people would be surprised to learn?

I’m extremely insecure, a total over analyser, an introvert and very shy.  Most people think I am quite confident and don’t really give a shit what people think of me.  It’s quite the opposite. I have an introverted personality. I prefer to work alone, figure things out in my own head before articulating, don’t really like to discuss my problems, prefer to shoot the shit around them and work it out in my own head before solving it myself. I hate being told what to do and will often do the opposite, sometimes cutting off my nose to spite my face. But I think most people actually know that about me.  So yeah, insecure, over analyse, an introvert, shy… and I have a mole on my left nipple…

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