Monday 24 November 2014

Day 27 - Something I really, really love about myself

Day 27, questions 27 - Talk about something that you really, really, really love about yourself.

This is a really tough one.  I think it’s a mix of my caring nature and my dark, strong hair! I love that I am thoughtful, caring, generous with me and my time. I love how I can build and forge friendships, how I maintain friends over years and years and still make new friends nearly every year, how I have friends I see once or twice a year and some I see once or twice a week.  I love that I care about my family and put a big effort into each and every one of them. I’m not perfect, don’t get me wrong. I can be a royal pain in the hole, I can be a martyr and I can get pissed off “always being the thoughtful one”. But I would not change it for the world.  It’s part of who I am.
As indeed is my dark, strong hair…and I should say it’s the hair on my head and my eyelashes I love.  I fucking HATE the hair on my body!  Defluff, wax, shave, pluck the rest of it off puhlease!  But the hair on my head has been blowdried, straightened, chopped, died, pulled, blown in the wind, all to within an inch of its life…and I can still just wash, blow dry, straighten and walk out the door and look like I just stepped out of a salon...well not quite. In fact I regularly look like I've been pulled through a hedge backwards.  I mean I'm sitting here with my hair drying naturally, knowing that later this evening I'll have to spend some time taming and styling it.  But I still get compliments about my hair from hairdressers to randomers and friends who comment on its strength, shine and condition.  I can do a mean hair flick and when it's been styled it'll bounce and wave almost as well as my knockers in a poorly supported bra.  Shout out must go to Daddy Nemo from whom I get the wonderful hair genes. 
Oh and a particular special mention has to go to my bum.  Now, I would not say my bum is something I really, really, really love about myself. I don’t love it. In fact, I don’t even really like it.  But my bum in a catsuit caught the eye of one young f'lla last month and resulted in me not only being mistaken for someone 7 years younger nor an ego boost that was sorely, sorely needed, but also ended in nabbing me a guy 8 years my junior.  Bum, on that Friday night last month, I really, really, really loved you!

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