Friday 4 April 2014

Readers I’m back!  I know I’ve been off the radar…it’s been a funny time for me. I’ve been CRAZY busy at work, (more of that another time!), have been HORSING on the weight, so much so I even went on Dukan and took a PG test…fear not, fear not. I dumped Dukan and the test was negative! 
But I’m back now and I’m determined to try to focus more on the good and the great muscles I have in my arms rather than the squidge around the belly!!
And with this epiphany (helped by a reiki session and reading…I’m telling you, 6kg gain will make you try ANYTHING!!) I went into training with a new outlook.  I only put on 0.1kg so I'm calling that major success, not only because it's negligible, but also because I had a total bender of a weekend, which included chips!! But I'm loving myself these days and not beating self up...I .... am....AMAAAAAZING!! Did you know that?! 

Anyway, yes, he worked me really hard....I know I wanted to be worked hard, I thought I’d been working hard, but Christ on a bike, this was one hell of a session…

Set 1:
20 squats with 2 x 2.5kg weights pushing them out at shoulder level when you stand up
20 squats with 2 x 2.5kg weights pushing them up in the air when you stand up
20 squats with 2 x 2.5kg weights, hands facing and pushing them up when you stand up
20 squats with 2 x 2.5kg weights used like kettle bells through the leg and stand up
STRAIGHT into sets 2 and 3, no break....
"Now, run around the square as fast as you can...."  Huh???? "Run aorund the square as fast as you can...5...4..."  "OK, OK, sht!!"  nearly got knocked down by a bike on the way back trying to get in as fast as could...

I arrived back in, slightly delirious, shaking and swaying, face BRIGHT RED and a 'glowing' chest (read sweaty and clammy!)

Then onto bench with set 1:
15 bench presses with the same weights
15 twisted bench presses with the same weights
15 flies with the same weights...
straight into sets 2 and 3 no break....By the middle of set 2 I was hurting in my elbow!! My hands shook, my arms shook, my soul was shaking

"OK - step ups....
20 left, 20 right....3 break.  Throughout it all, all I could think was, he has got to move onto my core now, right??

Back around the square..." WHAT???? No, nooooo, ARE YOU SERIOU.... " as you can...5...4..."  "FOOOOOOOCK!"  Let's just say it was NOT so fast this time and I gladly waited for traffic to pass... This time I am not sure how I made it down the stairs. I ache in so many places, I really don't know. I could have cartwheeled, walked on my hands, slid down on my bum.

Then I had to do planks, 3 sets, no breaks...full, left side, right side, face PUMPING with blood to the surface, like a beetroot that had been embarrassed by a tomato...finally he told me lie on my back, sweat pouring off me, no more trickles or glows, just sweat from every orifice leaving pools behind me...I thought great, on my back, stretching.  "Hold onto my ankles, put your legs in the air (no, nothing kinky, this is Super PT not Sleazy PT!!), swing them down to 2 inches from the ground, 3 sets of 20...I didn't know what I was doing, I was holding my breath, engaging my core, trying not to fart, sliding on t mat from all the sweat I was emitting...I managed two swingings of legs to two inches off the ground, then it became more like 2 feet off the ground and it STILL hurt! 
Finally he said "you're done..." I could have told him that! Training and exercising may help you feel good, look good, feel sexy, be attractive to the opposite sex, but by Christ you sure as hell look shite doing it!

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