Wednesday 23 May 2012

Fear not my readers (or reader, I fear I have only one reader, prove me wrong, g'wan!) I'm back. Apologies for not posting in a few days, but you know people to see, money to make - BOOM! BAM! BOOYAKA! Yes there are just some of the terms you're likely to hear from the WW's in The Fish Tank.  The WWs , I hear you ask? The Willy Wavers. Willy Wavers are usually early 30s males, working in a tankard environment, usually with a goal to make money. The greater the money the bigger the wave. The greater the wave...well, who knows, I'm a non-tank dater myself!!

Anyway, back to my Willy Wavers. I (perhaps not so) fondly refer to the gents I work with as Willy Wavers. Their success is never about who landed the biggest deal or who made the most money. No, no, their success is based on who can shout the loudest, waving their willy to cover the greatest area. Come on, you know them... "Batman! (cos they always have super-hero nicknames) 250K, Starfish Enterprises. In the bag! BOOM!"  "SuperTed (cos there's always one). Sea Horses Inc, riiiiidin' home. 5 big figures! BAM!" I've had to stop myself from standing up, grabbing my "fabulous knockers dahling" and shouting "Total biatch on the phone, tried to tell me how to do my job, cut her in two with my acerbic, sarcastic tongue - MIAAAOOOOW!" 

But time - and familiarity - breaks you down and I'm now there, the sole female fish thinking "Boys, boys, can you not just buy a Toyota Celica and hit on the 24 year old like any self respecting mid 30s gent...and put that periwinkle away!!"

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