Saturday 4 October 2014

Day 5 - The SW Blogging Challenge - Biggest Misconception Of Single Person

Day 5, question 5: The biggest misconception you think people have about single life

I think this is a really personal one, so it’ll vary from person to person, but for me it is that people seem to think that when you’re single, you’re not quite whole, a little unhappy and unfulfilled and that meeting someone and being in a relationship / married will fulfil that and finally I’m happy.

BUUUUULLLLLLLSHIT!  I know many people who are as content and discontented as I and they are in relationships or married.  Being attached does not make you whole. Yeah I hope that for every sock there is a pair (OCD-esque!) but until I’m happy in my own, slightly saggy, bit hairy, quite pasty, cellulitey skin, then no man is going to make me feel whole or happier!!
If their questions and comments are anything to go by, my parents definitely hold that view:
“I just want you to be happy”
“You deserve someone, you deserve to be happy”
“Well isn’t it great that Maggie / Bartholomew / Mary / Aloysius met someone…and at his/her age, it’s never too late”
“I hear Jessie / James / Jenny / Jill is going out with a new woman / fella. Isn’t that great?? Isn’t it???”

I have screamed at them “I AM HAPPY!!!” which clearly translates to them as “She keeps saying she’s happy, I really don't think she is..."

So yeah, biggest misconception is that everything is better with a boy!

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